About New People
Our Services
Explore rewarding job opportunities, get helpful career advice, and get access to great employment resources.
Advertise a job
Fill your skills gap by attracting the global talent who brought their skills with them to settle in Canada. Advertise your vacancies to thousands of talented applications as soon as they arrive in Canada.
CV search
Find the perfect fit in the pool of talents using our CV search feature. This feature helps you to filter the candidate to find the best fit for your opening positions.
Recruiter profiles
Generate a corporate profile page to help job seekers understand more about your values. Let potential employees known what you can offer, and the best way to reach you.
Job Search
Browse job postings across Canada in both the private and public sectors, quickly filtering them to find the positions close to your new home, and fit your skill, experience, and education
Display jobs
With job filters, prospective employees can search for positions for which they are best qualified. Not only does this save time, but it allows for maximum placement potential.
For Recruiters
With our flexible plans with free access to all available resumes, recruiters can seize this opportunity to diversify their workforce while minimizing the time, cost, and effort associated with a wide-scale talent search.
About New People
New People is the Canadian national job board for recent arrivals looking for positions that match their previous employment experience. This board is open to all newcomers, including but not limited to refugees, protected persons, and newly approved permanent residents. Using our state-of-the-art system, we can provide you with useful information from reliable sources to aid you in your job search and settlement in Canada. Our employers largely include those firms and organizations specifically dedicated to supporting newcomers.
No matter your background or the language you speak, New People is designed to match a wide range of skills and education levels with the appropriate jobs. We understand that Canada is the most multicultural country in the world, so we endeavor to support as many languages as possible. We also have features that can assist job seekers in overcoming language difficulties and adapting to new environments.
We wish you success with your current job search.