What to Do When Job Hunting
This is a topic that is as relevant today as it has always been, and I’d like to share some thoughts on it.
In this era of ideological austerity, you’re probably used to hearing about how our economy is improving, unemployment is decreasing, and wages are rising.
Those of us who have been job hunting or unemployed in the last few years know that the reality of the job market is far less rosy than the upbeat figures suggest.
I’m sure I’ll address misleading statistics in the media in the future, but that’s not what I want to talk about today, so I’ll skip over that.
As a member of the under-30 demographic, I’ve had many discussions with friends, colleagues, and classmates about the difficulty of the job market in the current economic climate, and I’d like to share my tips for making your way in the world.
I don’t claim to have all (or even any) of the answers; all I can do is offer advice that I’ve found useful. While these suggestions are geared toward the unemployed, they are also applicable to those looking to advance in their careers; however, I will address this in greater detail in a future post.
It takes a lot of effort to look for a new job.
This is a point that many people in the workforce overlook. From the safety of a paid position, it is all too easy to believe that those who are unemployed aren’t trying hard enough to get one!
A successful job search necessitates a significant amount of effort. To put it simply, you must write or update your CV, find job advertisements, write cover letters, and attend interviews. Fill out application forms in both paper and online formats, and sell yourself and your skills to anyone who will listen. None of this is easy, but don’t give up. The more time and effort you put into your preparation, the more likely it is that you will succeed.
Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
Your CV or resume is the first place to start when applying for jobs and can mean the difference between success and failure. There’s no need to panic; it’s much simpler than most people believe.
Maintain a straightforward approach!
Try to summarize your job roles in bullet points rather than paragraphs of text, place relevant key skills in a separate section at the top of the CV, and, most importantly, make it easy to read for the recruiter.
When a recruiter receives a large number of applications, they may not always have time to sift through each CV in detail; therefore, your application must contain the necessary information in a location that they cannot overlook.
It can be intimidating to look at a blank page and try to turn it into a CV, so if you get stuck, use a template. They’re built into Word and freely available on the internet; take advantage of whatever resources you can find!
The following point may appear obvious, but I’ve seen many applications that overlook it. Grammar and spelling are crucial. You will not stand out if your CV has correct spelling, but you will stand out if there are errors. If you can’t take the time to get it right on your resume, why should a prospective employer think you’ll take the time to work for them?
Finally, remember to figure out what kind of job you’ll be applying for the most and tailor your experience to fit.
Now that you have a fantastic CV, you’ll need to move on to the next stage of the application…
Letter of Coverage
This letter serves only one purpose. What are your qualifications? Why should they hire you?
As a result, make sure you answer this question in the letter. “I am qualified for this position because…”
This is your opportunity to sell yourself and land that interview. However, keep in mind that a busy recruiter will not read an essay that is poorly formatted. Keep it simple and to the point.
Write one general covering letter that is easily editable; by changing one or two sentences, you can transition from a customer service position to a data entry position. As a result, it has the potential to be a very useful tool. If you write this correctly, you will be able to apply for jobs in seconds rather than minutes.
The Look for
This is both the most difficult and easiest part of the process.
If you’ve done your homework, it should be simple. All you have to do now is send in your applications, armed with your CV and covering letter, but don’t forget to spend a minute editing your covering letter to personalize each one.
Finding vacancies is the easy part. When looking for the right positions, you have a plethora of options to choose from.
Most large corporations will have their own careers page on their website, which will list all available positions within the organization. Look for any businesses you know that have a location near you.
Local papers are excellent resources for small businesses to advertise in, and many will rely solely on them. National newspapers have a jobs section where you can find a variety of jobs.
The most common sources of information are websites such as Reed or Job Centre sites. These aggregate job openings from all over the world and should be your first port of call when starting your search.
The Ideal Position
It is critical to be realistic in this regard. You will not be able to find a part-time job paying your desired wage in your desired field.
Apply for a job that pays less than you want and bargain during the interview. Apply for jobs in other parts of the country. Apply for jobs for which you do not believe you are qualified.
The most important thing is to continue applying.
Final Thoughts
To wrap up this post, I’ll go over a few key points that people get wrong.
When you’re unemployed, looking for work is your full-time job! Don’t apply for two jobs and then consider yourself finished for the day. You should plan on spending 8 hours per day on your search. It is up to you whether this time is better spent rewriting your CV or applying for jobs in general.
Don’t put your trust in others. This is something that agencies are notorious for. They are extremely useful tools for assisting you, but do not rely on them. Just because you’ve registered with an agency doesn’t mean you can put your search on hold. You might get lucky and find a proactive recruiter who spends their time looking for you, but most of the time you won’t hear back.
On that note, don’t hold your breath waiting for responses to your applications. Only 10% of companies will even acknowledge your application, let alone follow up on it. It’s just a matter of numbers. If they have 200 applicants for a position, it would be impossible to respond to all of them personally. You won’t be disappointed if you don’t expect one.
Continue your efforts! You will be given an opportunity, an interview, and a job.
I hope this has been helpful, and I will provide some interview tips in a future post.